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Loop Photography Zine, Issue #1 – Pre-Order almost sold out!

The Loop photography zine pre-order went live a little over a week about and it’s already close to being sold out completely. Wild!

We’re so excited about all the submissions we had come through. We even had to expand the page count from what we’d originally planned due to the quality of words & photography that was submitted.

Now, while we’re keeping the actual cover hidden until the start of July, we can let you know who has an article inside.

Self Doubt in a Thrift Store – Chris McKerrow

Photography, Poetry and the Power of Concision – Torrance Brady

A Dog Named Angus – Sally Williams

Reflections: Brunswick – Nick Raubenheimer

Leaving Your Comfort Zone – Nina TBerg

and some photographs from our monthly photo walks.

Submit to Issue #2

Submissions for Issue #2 of the Loop Photography Zine are open now.

Jump over to the Loop Photography Zine page for more information.

loop photography zine - mock cover of an autumn scene in mount dandenong